In­di­vi­d­u­al Su­gar Sticks from Bistro Sugar

In­di­vi­d­u­al Su­gar Sticks

Cus­tomize your own sugar stick to match your corporate design!

Bi­s­tro­market - Our shop

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Bistrozucker Sugar Sticks

Serving the perfect cup

True, just a de­tail – but aren’t the de­tails what it is all about? Aren’t we pleased, when in­stead of a dull su­gar cast­er we can spot a cheer­ful, wit­ty and stylish pack­ag­ing?

Most of the time we re­main incog­ni­to and yet we are try­ing to de­liv­er a lit­tle artis­tic touch to ev­ery cup served. With our theme of col­or, shape and de­sign, com­bined with the high­est qual­i­ty of ma­te­rials and work­man­ship, we of­fer our cus­tomers per­haps the most stylish de­tail. 

My Sugar Stick

Make it your own - Get your su­gar sticks de­signed to match your cor­po­rate de­sign. Your col­or and de­sign choic­es are end­less! Our ex­pe­ri­enced staff and de­sign­ers will be pleased to as­sist you with this.

Sugar Sticks

Choose your fa­vorite de­sign from our wide se­lec­tion, whether it is Su­gar Dandy, Dolce Vi­ta, Mille­fleurs, In­dian Sum­mer, La Can­ta­do­ra, Sun­rise New Colours or Five O'Clock.

Our products are available here


100 % recyclable and hygienically perfect


BISTRO SUGAR STICKS made from 100% recyclable packaging material. Pre-portioning into sticks provides a safe,…

Our Products

Beauty from within

Wir präsentieren Ihnen BISTROBISCUIT: Das Gebäck, das Sie so oder so erfreuen wird.

Exquisite for the guest