Our Brands

From us for you

Design and Function

Products for the catering industry

At the be­gin­n­ing of our prod­uct de­vel­op­ments, it was usu­al­ly on­ly a hand­ful of peo­ple who rec­og­nize its po­ten­tial. It was the ear­ly 90s, when most of the peo­ple did not as­sess the im­por­tance of the su­gar stick right. On­ly a hand­ful of de­sign­ers, mar­ket­ing agen­cies and stylists were ready to in­vest in this de­tail. “Why a su­gar stick, when there are su­gar sachets and su­gar cubes?” was said at that time. We were of the opinion that un­com­pro­mised de­sign cou­pled with func­tio­n­al­i­ty will pre­vail in any case, a theme that we have stuck with up to this day. There­fore we al­ways seek and de­vel­op new con­cepts that sat­is­fy th­ese re­quire­ments. One recipe for our suc­cess is that we work close­ly to­gether with our cus­tomers and part­n­ers. It's not just about the ben­e­fits of a prod­uct, but al­so about the ef­fect it has on con­sumers and the joy it brings to others.

For this rea­son, we have de­vel­oped fur­ther prod­ucts such Bistrotea, Bistro Work­wear and Bistro­bis­cuit, and hence would show in­ter­est in part­n­er­ships of sim­i­lar na­ture. For the sale of our prod­ucts and other pro­duc­ers with a sim­i­lar claim, we have opened up Bistro­mar­ket&nb­sp;in 2013, a plat­form on which peers can dis­tribute their prod­ucts with us.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor


At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.