The Sugar

Giv­ing you a sweet choice!

Classic Sugar

Na­t­u­ral white su­gar

The su­gar beet for this refined su­gar grows on the fer­tile soils of Eu­rope and is found main­ly in Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries. Its qual­i­ty is based on the years of ex­pe­ri­ence from Eu­ro­pean farm­ers and the beet- to- su­gar pro­cess is sub­ject to a strict qual­i­ty con­trol sys­tem.

The exotic

Na­t­u­ral gol­d­en cane su­gar

This su­gar is pro­duced sim­p­ly from the sweet juice of su­gar cane and once the cane is cul­ti­vat­ed, it fea­tures a strong brown colour and a caramel-like fla­vor. Our su­gar cane orig­i­nates from the French Re­u­nion Is­land, lo­cat­ed in the In­dian Ocean. The pro­cess, from cul­ti­va­tion to the fin­ished prod­uct, is sub­ject to a strict qual­i­ty con­trol pro­ce­dure.

The sustainable

Or­gan­ic su­gar

The or­gan­ic beet su­gar is en­vi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­able, is said to have a bet­ter taste and is GMO-free. A bio dist­inc­tive mark on the pack­ag­ing helps the con­sumer rec­og­nize that there is "re­al or­gan­ic" prod­uct in­side. Im­port­ed or­gan­ic su­gar from South Amer­i­ca is not what all con­sumers’ de­sire, as it is not cli­mate-and eco-friend­ly. In this area bio su­gar can de­liv­er cli­mate and en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly con­s­cious peo­ple, a sus­tain­able and sat­is­fac­to­ry sup­p­ly.

The calorie conscious


The Ste­via re­bau­dia­na, al­so known as sweet herb, sweet­leaf or hon­ey herb is a plant of the genus Ste­vien in the daisy fam­i­ly. The plant has been used for cen­turies for its strong sweet­ness and thus has been used as a sweet­en­er. The ad­van­tage of a com­pound of Ste­via and su­gar is in the pos­i­tive health and calo­rie prop­er­ties of Ste­via, com­bined with the fla­vor char­ac­teris­tics and tex­ture of beet su­gar. Fur­ther­more, the beet su­gar serves as a na­t­u­ral car­ri­er ma­te­rial for the ste­via and thus the com­pound can do with­out ar­ti­fi­cial fla­vors. With 1g of Su­gar & Ste­via mix­ture, you get the same sweet­ness as 4g of su­gar but at on­ly a fourth of the calo­ries! On re­quest, we would glad­ly of­fer other su­gars va­ri­eties, such as Birch su­gar among others.

Other types of sugar

We are also happy to offer you other types of sugar, such as birch sugar or sweeteners, if required. We look forward to your enquiry!