Your Message

Enjoyed a thousandfold


Your individual Sugar Stick

Please con­tact us via our form. We will take care of your re­quest as soon as pos­si­ble.

Tip: The more in­for­ma­tion you pro­vide, the bet­ter we are able to help you.

Angaben zu den Zuckersticks
Sollten Sie schon ein Design für Ihre Zuckersticks haben könne Sie uns hier gerne dei Layout-Dateien mitsenden
Maximum 3 files.
512 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, eps, tif, psd, rtf, odf, pdf, svg.

Ad­di­tio­n­al in­for­ma­tion
Sugar types: na­t­u­ral white su­gar, na­t­u­ral gol­d­en cane su­gar, or­gan­ic su­gar, other types on re­quest
Min­i­mum quan­ti­ty: From 6 car­tons filled with 1000 su­gar sticks.
Pack­ag­ing: From car­tons fitt­ing 50 su­gar sticks to 2000 su­gar sticks.
De­liv­ery time: 3 weeks af­ter the print re­lease.
Print method: Flexo